Finding Her

I realized God didn’t love me when I was 9 years old crying for my mother endlessly waiting as she left. I realized God didn’t love me when I was 7 years old staring a 24-year-old man in the face as he dragged me to my doom. I realized God didn’t love me when my…


What is it worth retraumatizing yourself in hopes of healing? Does it work? Is it useful? Does it speed up the process, bypass certain evils not worth knowing? Or is it simply a means of revictimization? An act of preying on our trauma blinded by the delusions of Stockholm syndrome? Regardless of what it is,…


In the lonely hour when the shadows of the dark descend I am maskless and afraid No longer am I confident No longer am I awake I am nothing and yet somehow everything   In the lonely hour when the shadows of the dark descend I am naked and ashamed The lies of my past…


Returning to the waves from which I came Everything I knew had changed Where once there was only death and despair Life flourished, breathed and persevered The flowers bloomed in the oddest of ways The sea no longer cried in despair The air glittered with hope and vivacity As the land around me danced with…

Silver Storms

Rage seeps into my body slowly and then all at once. In one moment all that I am is subjected to the one emotion my brain is feeling – rage. A quiet rage, one that builds slowly, taking me by surprise with its potency and vile desires. Growing up in an environment where I am…


Honey dripped from her skin Slowly, daringly, enchantingly As it spread further across the curves of her plane Staring fiercely at her He knew then he had lost That she was everything he was not She was light A force of billowing destruction and conception She moved across the universe with the grace of a…


In troubled times you became my friend Gentle, kind, and comforting You took me to bed Offered kind words of wisdom Provided the warmth I desperately sought Whispers of hope danced across your lips Kissing my soul leaving tendrils of pleasure It was so easy to fall in love with you To become entangled in your…

Who I Am.

The question who we are is one we spend our lifetimes trying to answer. For some of us, we discover it backpacking across Europe, sitting on a public train, or in the middle of a breakdown at noon. Regardless of where we make it discovery, what is important is that it happens, that we have…

To My Friend

Dear Friend, You are everything I’ve been missing. When we first met, I admired you greatly. You, a beautiful, eloquent black woman in love with herself, and me, a black woman trying to find that same love for myself. In the time that you have been in my life, you have taught me so much;…


Freedom is desire flowing without restraint Freedom is having the strength to wake up every day Freedom is my heart beating without fail Freedom is a dream that I endlessly chase Freedom is peace like a river restoring my soul.   Warmly, Rose.